I Know a Guy

by Nan Corbitt Allen

I have a feeling that if I hadn’t grown up in the Bible Belt, going to church every Sunday, learning Bible verses and being influenced by the faith of my forefathers, I would be constantly questioning God’s existence and work in the world. I’ll admit that I don’t fully understand the faith that I embrace. How does it work? How do I know it’s enough to get me into heaven? Is heaven real? Have I done anything to deserve it? This list could go on forever.

One of my favorite speakers is Scottish theologian and pastor Alistair Begg. I love the way he explains biblical truths, and it doesn’t hurt that he’s got an easy-listening Scottish brogue. He tells a story—hypothetical of course—about the thief on the cross who asked Jesus who was also being crucified, “‘Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!’ And He said to him, ‘Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:42-43 NASB).

Alistair creates a scenario of when that thief arrived in heaven. 

THE ANGEL: (to the thief) What are you doing here?

THIEF: (to the angel) Well, I don’t know.

ANGEL: What do you mean, you don’t know?

THIEF: I don’t know.

ANGEL: (looking frustrated) Excuse me. Let me get my supervisor. (This angel goes to get the supervisor angel.)

SUPERVISOR ANGEL: So, we’ve just a few questions for you. First of all, are you clear on the doctrine of justification by faith?

THIEF:  I’ve never heard of it.

SUPERVISOR ANGEL: Let’s just go to the inerrancy of the Scripture. What do you think about that? (The thief shrugs and shakes his head.)

SUPERVISOR ANGEL: (finally) So…on what basis are you here?

THIEF: (after a pause and a sigh) The Man on the middle cross hanging next to me said I could come.

I can speak Christian-eze as well as the next person. I can even quote scripture from the King James version. But when it comes to understanding and explaining why a Man who died on a cross over 2,000 years ago could get me into heaven and make my life complete, I’m speechless.

I don’t know how it works; I just know that it does. I study about God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, but I still don’t truly understand. When I arrive at heaven, I’ll just have to say, “I know a Guy and He said I could come.”

 Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 NASB 

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Nan Corbitt Allen

About the author: Nan Corbitt Allen has written over 100 published dramatic musicals, sketchbooks, and collections in collaboration with Dennis Allen, her husband of 45+ years. A three-time Dove Award winner, Nan’s lyrics and dramas have been performed around the world. Dennis and Nan have sold almost 3 million choral books. Nan and Dennis retired in 2020 from full time teaching at Truett McConnell University. They now live south of Nashville. They have two grown sons and two beautiful grandchildren.

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Nan’s book, Small Potatoes @ the Piggly Wiggly, is a collection of devotionals that reveal the great impact seemingly insignificant, routine experiences can have in our lives. She describes what she learned of God’s providence and wisdom while growing up in the Deep South in the 1950’s and 60’s.

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