Forgetting God

by Peggy Cunningham

“Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while. “ Mark 6:31 NRSV

What day is it? Maybe it’s a day to remember. At times, I forget God. I forget to pray. I rush remembering my schedule and forgetting His schedule. Classes this afternoon, a writing deadline, a newsletter to write, emails to answer, all the things that are constantly on my schedule. But, did I forget anything today? Yes. God’s schedule–a time with Him.

Has He forgotten me? Not a chance. With God, forgetting is a one-way street. I’m the one heading in the wrong direction.

When life gets so busy, it’s easy to not spend time with the One who gives us all blessings. This last week, I daily asked the Lord for many things–understanding in all I’m learning, health to do it all, and provision for our ministry and us––along with all those prayers for family, friends, and safety. And, I kept telling the Lord I wanted to spend more time with Him––but I had Him on hold. Yes, I had devotions, and yes, I meditated on Scripture but had I blocked out everything so I could hear His voice? Not really!

But this morning, God gave me that time. I hadn’t made time for Him, so He arranged a deserted place to be with Him. He said to them [me],”Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while” Mark 6:31(NRSV).

Our internet server’s tech guy had finally arrived to find and fix the problem we were having with our speed. They had to cut our service to work on the issue. No internet, and so many things to do! After pleading with God that He hurry those men along, I again heard Him say, “Come with Me.”

I closed my computer and opened my Bible. I began reading in Psalms where I had stopped yesterday, and this is what it said…

“Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle” (Psalm 144:1 NIV). I have been in a battle. Any time we are giving God’s Word out, we engage in battle against a powerful enemy. He will do anything to keep God’s Word from spreading. Now I am writing to get God’s Word out, and I feel that opposition. Never before have we had so many unresolved internet problems. And some days I feel like my head is going to explode from all the new things I am putting into it. But God is using those things to train my hands and fingers so that I can write His message.

After spending time in God’s Word, I was no longer uptight about how long it was taking to get my internet up and running again. I took a walk with God up the mountain behind our house. There were no camels there in my desert, only two ponies and what seemed like thousands of birds singing to Him––a little bit of heaven, a refreshing time with my Creator. I didn’t have to travel to an exotic faraway place to get away from it all (I already live in one). I just needed His refreshing presence.

I know God will teach me what I need to know so that I accomplish the work He has for me. He is at work in me, to enable me to be effective in my service and in my writing. Today when I walked with Him, God confirmed that He is training my hands and fingers to write for Him.

What day is it today? Today (and every day) is a day to remember God. He never forgets you and me. Will you walk with Him in a deserted place today?

Peggy CunninghamAbout the author: Peggy Cunningham and her husband have been missionaries in Bolivia, South America, since 1981. In 1999, they founded Rumi Rancho Ministries. Rumi Rancho is their ministry base and home outside the city of Cochabamba where they work with the Quechua people and have a children’s ministry. Peggy is also an author. Her children’s books and devotionals are available on, including her latest book Shape Your Soul, 31 Exercises of Faith that Move Mountains, a women’s devotional.

Join the conversation: What has God been teaching you in your times alone with Him?



13 thoughts on “Forgetting God

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I’m blessed to know God used my words in your life! In this bust world of ours, I think we all struggle with making time for God. But, He helps us find time when we ask Him. He’s so good to meet our needs, isn’t He?

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  1. A great devotional. I think God has been trying to teach me to spend time with Him first. I am not an early morning person but for some reason the “first” and “morning” keep coming up. I think He is trying to teach me to “be still and know”.


    1. Thanks, Deb! I think He is always teaching us (me) to be still in this whirlwind world we live in today. It’s hard but possible when we focus our eyes on Him daily––whether morning, noon, or night.


  2. God is teaching me to remain calm when plans get delayed or changed, since He is still in control. And the verse that came to mind when Peggy said that God never forgets us, is Isaiah 49:15-17 – He has engraved us on the palms of his hands! To me that speaks of the nail scarred hands that are a constant reminder to God of the love He has for us! May His love compel us to seek Him daily and walk in constant awareness of His loving presence and guidance.


    1. Thank you Becky for those encouraging words. Yes, walking in constant awareness of His loving presence and guidance helps to remind us to not forget Him. Thankful He never forgets us!


  3. I have returned home from Canada this past January, ever since my return myself and my husband start having morning devotions together before we have our breakfast. This quiet time with God brings us great rewards each day. I feel peace during my busy day all because I put God first and entrust everything in His care. Thanks for sharing!


  4. Thank you for that sweet reminder of how important that daily time to be still and to listen to the Lord.


    1. Thanks, Beth. Being in His presence always allows us to see things clearly that may be cloudy. But, you are right. First, we must be still to listen and hear His voice over the noise of the world around us.


  5. Oh, I know that feeling so well. But the times when I get overwhelmed it’s hard to take the time “to take the time” but when I do…I feel like I can take on the world! I’m rejuvenated and taken to “the” place I needed to be all the time. But I know He understands and that’s a comforting feeling in itself. Just knowing that He knows. Keep on keepin’ on – it what makes you special in God’s eyes…and ours!


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