Adjusting My Plans

by Diane Ford

There are many plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail. Proverbs 19:21 EHV

“Mommy! Some of the cherry tree blossoms fell to the ground!”

I brought my laptop outside to work on some things while the kids were playing, and the first thing my daughter did was run up to me with a handful of cherry blossoms she had picked up from the ground. “They are delightful!” she exclaimed.

“Yes they are,” I thought to myself.

I miss the days where delighting in simple things was more of my focus. Now, in the midst of being a responsible adult and attempting to be a good mother, the simpler things are too often overlooked. Instead, I tend to be task-oriented each day.

Lately, I’ve thought more about how to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:15, 16). My concerns relate to being an influencer through my blog and other online platforms without allowing it to be my main focus. My chief aims should be having a deep and meaningful relationship with Jesus, honoring my husband, and raising and teaching my children God’s truth amidst the overabundance of deception and lies taught in this world.

I have always wanted to be good at planning. I once bought a beautiful binder with the intention of it being a daily planner. However, being more of a creative person, I decided to use it for something else.

One day, I hand-lettered the words of Proverbs 19:21 on my former planner—now my prayer binder: “There are many plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail” (EHV). I have saved several clippings of artwork, church bulletins, kids drawings and other items that have special meaning to me—visual things that help remind me to lift up in prayer the people and needs around me.

Proverbs 16:9 provides a similar reminder: “A person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord makes his steps secure” (EHV).

I want to continue to remind myself that the Lord’s purposes and plans will prevail even if I have desires in my heart or plans that are not aligned with His plans for me.

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About the author: Diane Ford has over twenty years of experience with drawing, illustration, painting, and art journaling. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Calvin University (formerly Calvin College) and studied art and Scripture abroad. She loves bringing creativity into every part of her life, in encouraging her husband, homeschooling her children, and inspiring her church and community. Her first book, Arise Beautiful; An Illustrated Scripture Devotional with Space for Coloring, Journaling, Creative Reflection and Prayer was created to encourage others to creatively interact with Scripture, resulting in a deeper relationship with God. Find out more at

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