The Weather Rock

by Sheri Schofield

Tourists often travel through the Wyoming town of Buffalo. The citizens of this little town provide whatever entertainment they can for their guests. At one steakhouse, there is a huge boulder. A sign next to it declares it to be the Amazing Weather Rock, the Natural Weather Forecasting Wonder. 100% Accurate. For current weather information, look at the rock’s condition. If it’s damp, the weather is humid. If it is wet, it’s raining. If it’s icy or snowy, the weather is cold. If the rock is warm, the weather is sunny. The list goes on, making tourists smile. The rock simply reflects what is happening around it.

After reading the Weather Rock sign, I thought, “Sometimes I’m like that.” Unexpected trials come, and I grow flustered and upset. I’ve learned to hide it from my family…most of the time…but my best friends know what’s happening in my heart.

Over the years, I’ve asked the Lord to help me not react to what is happening around me. When I keep my eyes on Jesus, I do okay with that. But if I forget where my hope and strength come from, I allow stress into my life and conversation. Thankfully, however, God usually reins me in quickly and puts me back on the trust track.

It hasn’t always been this way. It took me a long time to become more secure in Him. But as God came through for me over and over, I learned to relax and trust him more with my circumstances.

There are exceptions to my peace when I face change, however. This morning, Tim shook me awake at 2 a.m. to tell me the airline had just changed the time for our flight from Alaska without his permission, and he needed to change things around. Others were scrambling to find alternate flights, and he had only minutes to book a different one with different airport destinations.

I do not enjoy flying. It frightens me. Especially when I’m half-awake. But I had mentally prepared myself for the schedule we’d agreed upon. Changing to another flight threw me off. When awakened at 2 a.m., I went into a panic over the flight changes. Fear flooded through me and I said, “No!” But then I remembered the faithfulness of my Lord. I drew a calming breath and agreed to the change. It took remembering God’s faithfulness to bring my heart into proper alignment.

King David had moments of fear when troubles arose, too. After the Goliath incident, the current king of the Hebrew nation, Saul, became fiercely jealous of David. Twice he suddenly threw his spear at David, trying to nail him to the wall. Young David fled, and his heart struggled. He then followed a pattern he had learned as a shepherd. He would react to his environment. But then he would take his harp and compose a song to God about it, and his heart would return to the place of rest and trust.

After one spear attack, David cried out to God. After expressing his fear and struggle, he said, “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield” (Psalm 5:11,12 NIV).

When I find myself panicking, I remember David’s testimony of God’s faithful protection and, like David, I return to a point of peace. I refuse to be a weather-rock Christian! Even at two in the morning.

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust in him.   Psalm 91:1, 2 NIV

This article is brought to you by the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA).

About the author: Sheri Schofield, award-winning author and Bible teacher, has added a new way to share faith in Jesus. Her ministry, Faithwind 4 Kids, can be followed on her blog at her website, Questions welcomed!

FREE CHILDREN’S Author/Children’s Bible teacher, Sheri Schofield, offers a free series of video lessons about Jesus and His salvation—for children ages 4 and up. It is available at her website In this video series, Walk-The-Talk Island, Sheri presents her award-winning book The Prince and the Plan, in 24 video lessons for your children, grandchildren and any others with whom you wish to share. In addition, Campfire provides devotions for children.

Join the conversation: Have you learned to relax into Him when things look hard?

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