He’s Always Listening

by Cindi McMenamin

“Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him. For God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:8 NIV

I called up my friend, bursting with news to share.

“Guess what?” I blurted out as soon as she answered.

“Sorry, I’m on the other line,” she replied, cutting me off.  “Can I call you back?”

So I called another friend. No answer. Finally, I called my husband. “I’m in the middle of something right now,” he said, rather curtly. “I’ll get back to you later.”

Three attempts to share what was on my heart… all to no avail.

Then, as if remembering a friend on standby, I called on the One who is always available when I want to talk.

“Trust in Him at all times…pour out your hearts before Him,” David sang in his 62nd Psalm about this God Who Listens.

I bowed my head and prayed. I told God all that was on my heart. And you know what? He listened.

Why do I not go to Him first when I have something to say? He’s never on “another line.” He’s never got something else that’s more pressing, or more important than what it is I want to share with Him. Like a Daddy eager to hear from His daughter, He is always listening. So why do I not tell Him first?

We often have something on our hearts we just need to share with someone. Some exciting news. Something discouraging that’s weighing us down. A bill we can’t pay. A concern for something that might happen. Who do you call when there’s something on your heart and mind that you need to share? I’ve learned from experience that if I go to someone else, I’m eventually going to be disappointed – by their unavailability, their less-than-enthusiastic response, or maybe their lack of response altogether.

David proclaimed in Psalm 3:4: “I cried out to the Lord, and He answered me from His holy mountain.”(NLT) Did you catch that? He isn’t on another call. He isn’t too busy to pick up the call. He isn’t distracted by another incoming call. He answers me.

As you go throughout this day, with all that comes your way, tell God about it first. Of course, He already knows what it is you’re about to say. But by telling Him your news first, you’re reassuring Him – and yourself – that He is the single most important One in your life. And you have a guarantee that He’s listening.

Thank you, Lord, that You are never too busy, unavailable or disinterested to hear from me. Thank You that, instead, Your ear is always tuned to me. Help me to come to You first as You wait for me to share all that is on my heart and mind.

View More: http://chelseamariephoto.pass.us/cindiAbout the author: Cindi McMenamin is an award-winning writer and national speaker who helps women strengthen their relationship with God and others. She is the author of 16 books including When Women Walk Alone (more than 120,000 copies sold), God’s Whispers to a Woman’s Heart, and Drama Free: Finding Peace When Emotions Overwhelm You. For more on her books and ministry, and free resources to strengthen your soul, marriage, and parenting, see her website: www.StrengthForTheSoul.com.

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Join the conversation: In what other ways is God a father to you?


10 thoughts on “He’s Always Listening

  1. Thank you Cindi, it’s a lovely sharing. The Lord having reminded me so many times to come to Him in every need, and having grown in years to celebrate my 76th B’day this year, with such numerous reminders when I have failed , I humble myself to say, not only in times of real need but at every thought I get, at every decision I need to make, I train myself to go to the Father in heaven . Thus, I maintain the Peace of God that passeth all understanding which is promised to us in Phlippians 4: 7


  2. Oh Cindi, I am SO guilty of this. What a much-needed reminder this morning that God is the One who will never be too busy to listen. He is always there for us. Amen! Thank you for this timely encouragement:) Blessings!


  3. Not only does He listen to our good news, He’s The Master at helping me sort out confusion and disappointment. Before going to the phone, go to The Throne. Climb upon His lap and get those words out. It’s amazing how much sweeter my words are when He’s heard me first.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love it! This has happened to me too. I love how He is always listening and ready to share in our joy or comfort us in our sadness. He is our ever present help in need. He is our advocate, comforter and our best friend. Thank you for the reminder, Cindi!

    Thank you, Papa God for listening and for being there for us when we call on You.

    Big hugs, Ashley


  5. This devotion is confirmation to the very words I’ve been hearing God speak to my heart – “come to me first.” He spoke them to me the other day when a difficult situation arose, then my Sunday School instructor discussed this same topic this past Sunday, and now this devotion. God is good! And I love when He confirms His messages to us in various ways. Thank you so much, Cindi!


  6. With losing a sister to cancer in Aug and the another sister 3 weeks ago and then my Mother a few days ago…I have been doing a lo


  7. With losing a sister to cancer in Aug and the another sister passed 3 weeks ago and then my Mother a few days ago…I have been doing a lot of talking to my Abba Father. He is always there.


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