Nothing Too Small

by Joy Anisa

The lights were off, and my little boy was tucked under his covers. As I picked up a few things in his room I heard him say, “Mama, I haven’t prayed for our new house.” As a single mom facing a move out of state, I had a tight budget and limited time to find a place to live. I had mentioned to my two children that we needed to pray that the Lord would provide the perfect house for us.

I teasingly said to my son, “What are we going to live in, a tent?”

He giggled and then said, “I have prayed that God would give me a creek.” Immediately I felt the tears rush to my eyes. Little did he know, the only house that was available for us to look at had a creek running beside the property.

I scooped my son into my arms and said, “I want you to always remember that God cares about little boys and creeks.” By the grace of God, the house with the creek became our new home. For the next year and a half, every time I heard the bubbling of that creek, I was reminded that our God cares about every part of our lives.

Sometimes we can underestimate our Heavenly Father’s interest in the small things. That we should only bother Him with our “big” requests. How often do we “shrink wrap” our trust in Him by what we choose to ask?

The simple faith of a child has taught me nothing is too insignificant to bring before Him. (And truth be told, what request of ours would ever be “big” to God, anyway?)

I often think back to that night with my son and wonder if his unassuming child-like faith gave him insight that His loving, Heavenly Father would not let us be homeless. Maybe he assumed God would handle the big details, so he prayed for the “little things”.

His example set the tone for my own prayer life, and I began to pray about everything. I stopped shrink wrapping my trust in God by limiting what I thought He cared about and what He didn’t.

We can trust God with it all. As He told Isaiah: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9 NASB) We can bring all of our concerns to Him, and trust Him with even the smallest details.

A young boy prays for a creek.  A young girl prays her dog will get well. A father prays for the healing of his daughter. A mother prays for her wayward son. A pastor prays for unity within his congregation. A missionary prays for the gospel to penetrate the darkness of the people group he serves. A wife prays for her marriage to be reconciled. He hears all of it, big and small. Prayer is a conversation with God that is rooted in confidence that He will accomplish what concerns us (Psalm 138:8). We can trust Him to answer our requests with nothing less than wisdom and love.

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think…” Ephesians 3:20a NASB

joy anisaAbout the author: Joy Anisa speaks for women’s retreats, MOPS, and Single Mom conferences. Her book, Identity Crisis: Moving from Crisis to Credibility,  offers an invitation to hope in the God who loves deeply, heals wounds, and offers His joy when life around us crumbles. You can find Joy on FB, Twitter, and Instagram. Joy lives with her husband, Jeff and their son, Caid, in Conyers, GA.

Free Book Contest!  Arise Daily will use a random number generator to pick a winner from today’s comments. To enter our contest for Joy’s book, Identity Crisis: Moving From Crisis to Credibility,  please comment below.  By posting in our comments, you are giving us permission to share your name if you win!  If you have an outside the US mailing address, your prize could be substituted with an e-book of our choice.

Join the conversation: How has God blessed you in the “small” things?

14 thoughts on “Nothing Too Small

  1. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.God has blessed me in the small things by blessing me with books that he wants me to read.he knows my luv for books and growth and at this time I am unemployed looking for work and he keeps blessing me with them he also blessed me with a purse and necklace at Christmas time. I am so very grateful for the things he has done for me and continues to do for me

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I see daily that God is in the small things just by doing daily tasks around the house. Opportunities arise that I might never thought of and it was due to just God seeing my heart and a little thing, a phone call, an e-mail or a letter actually in the mail.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. In countless ways He’s heard my cries. He brings me exactly what I need, exactly when I’m ready for it. He even aligns my desires with His. As simple as a good parking space to an amazing husband, He cares, He hears, He moves.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a wonderful example of how God wants us to be specific in our prayers. Teaching our children this is a spiritual tool they will use the rest of their lives. This was a beautiful example. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. God blesses me in the “small” things. He provides for my every need and he cares for me. I don’t understand his ways nor am I supposed to. He is fully in control of every aspect of my life and the world. Isaiah 55:8-9
    For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

    For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

    so are my ways higher than your ways

    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sometimes it’s in those special little details that God allows into our lives that help us feel his love. The key is paying attention with a grateful heart.


  7. I LOVE the faith of a child. Right now I’m struggling doubts and bitterness over old thoughts that were dug up, I’m leaving it in God’s hands… Knowing that in my brokenness, He’s still molding me.


  8. I like knowing that God is into ALL the details of my life, big and small! Takes a huge responsibility off me, knowing He is in charge, though I have a tendency to ‘take that responsibility’ back every now and then and do this thing call ‘worry!’ But I try really hard to share all my concerns, big and small with our BIG BIG God!


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